In my country, you can get prepaid visa cards and you can have any name on them but when you apply for them, you have to give them an address to send the card to. Obviously if you provide your own address, then the card isn't anonymous. Any ideas on how to get around sending things to your own address? Renting a PO box at the post office is one option but you need an ID so you'd need to get a fake drivers license before doing that. An option that works in America is driving around the city and finding foreclosed houses. Since they have outdoor mailboxes in America, you can just collect your mail from the foreclosed houses mailbox. In my country, we don't have outdoor mailboxes.
An option that will work for everyone in this case (ordering a credit card) is: just pick any old address, get the mail sent there then when the mail should have arrived, knock on the door and tell the people in the house that you accidentally gave the wrong street number when you got the mail sent. That way you get a card that can't be traced back to you. Obviously you can't order things to your house with this card but it will be good for registering to VPNs and stuff like that. If you're a paranoid bastard like me, it will give you peace of mind knowing that you're completely anonymous online. Do any of you know any other tricks for receiving mail anonymously?