ill just start by saying that defacing a useless gov't website does nothing
I may right more to your response on this later, though, i have to go now. Also, if you get a smite, know that it wasn't me
Some people here just really hate it when you talk about anon. I don't mind it personally, but i think its important to look at what they do objectively.
Defacing is not everything anyway (read below for a more detailed explanation).
I don't really care about getting a smite for that. I'm more objective on this than most people, and still everything I see daily makes my insides burn.
Don't get me wrong, I'm for the general ideology of the movement, not for each particular individual's wishes. I know the nature of the group and I've documented myself quite a lot on them. I'm gonna write a small wall of text on my views, and I would like to stress that I am a man of science so I don't make claims I can't back up. For any extra information feel free to PM me or reply here.
Protest by it's nature should help. So defacing or DDoSing a website (if it were a legal form of protest) would be the equivalent to organizing a group of people and marching on some corporation to block access into the building (which is a legitimate form of protest). But screw the Anon skids who do defacing and DDoSing cause they are just small players.
What I'm talking about is the big players in the movement, the people who have the knowledge and skill to infiltrate a highly secured server and obtain information (which is confidential) that proves the malicious acts of governments and corporations. These guys formed the main ideology of Anonymous by proving that the current system, whilst flawed in itself, is even more destructive because of a hand full of people who manipulate certain key aspects (money and banking, mainstream media like Fox News, etc).
It's a fact that the "99% vs 1%" issue is the biggest problem at the moment, and this is not debatable. As a consequence of this we have world hunger, wars and so much more bullshit (we throw away 3 billion tons of food a year, when 1.5 billion would be enough to end world hunger). Of course in most cases religion plays a large role, but it's not like governmental agencies do anything in order to educate people on what religion is and isn't, that you should respect others beliefs etc. What they do is initiate propagandist campaigns in order to infuse the people with a hatred of the other one. As I said before, the whole system which rules Earth at the moment is deeply deeply flawed and
people are fucking stupid.
That's why I believe that the actions of this hacker collective (again, disregarding the stupid skiddies who don't understand shit about how this planet revolves) and of it's non-hacker followers who went and protested in the streets (I refer here to the Occupy movement of course) are done in such an obvious way that not even the stupidest person could deny it. When somebody shows you a paper ratified by a governmental agency which states that (for example) they've been poisoning the water with more fluoride than the scientifically proven safe limit (this is for the US because in EU they stopped fluoridation of water in 1990) you can't say "that's not true" anymore. You have the proof right in front of your eyes.
The lack of transparency of large institutions and corporations and the increasing number of attempts to destroy individual privacy through bills like SOPA/PIPA/CISPA and any derivative thereof are what initiated this movement. Over time it has grown and spread out many individual branches that have various goals and fight various enemies, but, in the end, we're all fighting against this so called "1%".
People think that it's all wishy washy and will go away, but anybody who truly understands how this economic system works is fully aware that it's crash is inevitable. Might be 10, might be 20 years, but one thing is sure:
it will fall. And when it does, there's most likely two things that can happen: civil war or a peaceful swapping of systems. If we don't do anything
NOW it will for sure be the situation of civil wars. It isn't a random thing that the symbol of the movement is the mask from the movie "V for Vendetta". The movie depicts one possible outcome of the revolution that is currently brewing in the world. Fortunately it presents a more peaceful swapping (yes, the Parliament exploded) because when the people march on the Parliament building, the soldiers
DON'T OPEN FIRE. Critical moment, because that won't happen in real life unless we let absolutely every single individual on this planet, including the soldiers, know everything that Anonymous knows. You can't initiate a change of perception in a persons mind without first showing him that his current view is deeply flawed.
The situation in it's current state is indeed very complicated and convoluted. Following it is a headache that I've given myself for the past 3 years, and some might wonder why. Well it's very simple. Whilst right now many people are confused as to who is doing what and where (on both sides, Anon and govt) when shit will hit the fan the question will be simple:
on who's side are you? Are you on the side of the oppressive institution which intends to starve you, beat you and most likely kill you for trying to stand up for yourself, or are you on the side of the faceless, leaderless group of people who can't take this shit anymore. "We are
Anonymous, we are
Legion, we do
not forgive, we do
not forget, expect us."
I know on who's side I will be, and against who I will be fighting.
Do you?