Author Topic: Board restrictions to new members  (Read 10852 times)

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Offline Kulverstukas

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Board restrictions to new members
« on: September 22, 2015, 07:53:12 am »
As part of the leech reduction campaign which is part of a project evilzone_revival, we decided to limit board access to new members, which means some boards will be hidden for 0-20, and some for 20-50 posts. Especially the ebooks board, which will only be visible once a user hits 20 posts.

This is the current situation:
Code: [Select]
Hide boards for 0-19 posts:
    Software and Tools
    Software Exploitation and Vulnerabilities
    Evilzone Releases
    Personal improvement
Hide boards for 20-49 posts:
    Software Exploitation and Vulnerabilities
    Evilzone Releases
When hitting 50, all boards will be visible

What? this will increase shitposts you say? no it won't! because we moderate the boards pretty good and boards like random and member introductions don't count posts.

For now whole boards are hidden, in the future we hope to make a possibility to hide only thread content and still show thread listing. Also in the future we might be replacing post count with ratings (the like/unlike you see in threads).

That is all.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 07:53:43 am by Kulverstukas »

Offline Pak_Track

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2015, 01:36:06 pm »
I'm ahead of 50 and the VIP boards are invisible. Kulver, you liar!!
Anyway, pretty good step, IMO.

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2015, 02:05:10 pm »
Hmm I don't think that was a good move, at least not hiding the eBook board.

I have less than 20 posts and I'm here for a year and a few months now...the only reson for that is because I don't want to bother you with random stupid questions and I want to learn. And now you cut my only resource to learning. I'm not saying that I'm not gonna find that exact book on the internet somewhere, but here I get a brief review by the expert unlike on the internet.

I hope you will at least reconsider the eBook section.

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2015, 02:28:17 pm »
This might be a good move towards making this forum elite oriented board, however, for noobs willing to learn and when becoming solid at something posting and giving back, this ain't good at all. Yes Im talking about the eBooks section that I really like here yet I have 0 posts as Im fairly new. Another sad day :'(

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2015, 02:43:47 pm »
Try participating in discussions, then.

'Life is but a series of conflicts between the easy way and the right way.'
The more you know, the more you'll realize you know nothing. -Snayler
The problem with being a smart motherfucker is that sometimes the stupid motherfuckers think you're a crazy motherfucker.
dont u hate it when you offer help and the other person says yes -Pakalu Papito

Offline Kulverstukas

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2015, 02:55:12 pm »
Haters gonna hate. We have enough leechers, time for community involvement. We are not cutting off whole of the forum, so try participating in discussions, learn someshit, idk. Also it's just 20 posts.
And no, we are not elitists, if you want something - work for it. Information is still free, just give something back for it :)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 02:57:02 pm by Kulverstukas »

Offline ptales

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2015, 02:56:50 pm »
There are enough valuable non-tech related topics everyone can participate in without spamming random shit. It's quite easy to get above 20 posts this way and the effort involved won't hurt anybody.
I think this is a good step.
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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2015, 05:13:35 pm »
There are enough valuable non-tech related topics everyone can participate in without spamming random shit. It's quite easy to get above 20 posts this way and the effort involved won't hurt anybody.
I think this is a good step.
"We've enough leechers..."
Like most people out here just for the ebooks section, I was pretty disappointed actually. I am a usually HQ poster (that being said, I actually have cut myself from my tiny little fanbase over the internet, and I never have been called a script kiddy, because I do not try to impress people with the humble knowledge of mine) and I was going to post only six-seven months later when the board exams would be over.

Regardless, I hope i am welcomed.

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2015, 05:19:09 pm »
Lol those who never post do now  lol.
This is exactly what we need :P
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage


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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2015, 07:25:53 pm »
I ain't hating, just disappointed. I didn't know discussing stuff with someones would count as a post. Gonna try that. But my point is, it's ebooks fellas, why would anyone need to get involved in stuff he doesn't want to to read a damn book?

And no, we are not elitists, if you want something - work for it
Well, in the parallel world of the internet, you might consider delayed income, or even free stuff as free beer not as su*k my di*k to get a beer for free. I bet you didn't work a bit to get ahold of phrack articles or whatever teaching materials you began with ..

Ok so posting my miserable thoughts on topics I have nothing to add to is called community involvement. Go on community, get involved ..

Offline Kulverstukas

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2015, 07:39:24 pm »
Ok so posting my miserable thoughts on topics I have nothing to add to is called community involvement. Go on community, get involved ..
If that's what you call it... but if you never have anything to add, then maybe you shouldn't be here at all? I'm sure you can find those books elsewhere, but meanwhile we'll keep it restrained for those who actually contribute instead of talking about it and demanding free stuff.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 07:40:11 pm by Kulverstukas »

Offline TheWormKill

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2015, 07:40:09 pm »
I ain't hating, just disappointed. I didn't know discussing stuff with someones would count as a post. Gonna try that. But my point is, it's ebooks fellas, why would anyone need to get involved in stuff he doesn't want to to read a damn book?
Well, in the parallel world of the internet, you might consider delayed income, or even free stuff as free beer not as su*k my di*k to get a beer for free. I bet you didn't work a bit to get ahold of phrack articles or whatever teaching materials you began with ..

Ok so posting my miserable thoughts on topics I have nothing to add to is called community involvement. Go on community, get involved ..
As the moderator of the ebook board, I would like to point out that providing ebooks the way we provide them is hard work. I need to clean shit useless crap contributions like "thank you" there, approve
books, generate the ebook index, not to mention the work people do to get hold of the books you download.
This means that we, moderators, users and other individuals, provide worthwhile content for a price nothing. We do it for free, and will continue to do so. Leechers are basically exploiting our blood, sweat and tears. They are like a locust swarm on the fields of our work, if that continues, it is the end. So we want something back. Not money, not blowjobs, but 20 posts. Some more or less worthwhile contribution. An insanely small amount of it. Is it so much to ask? Now, if you disagree, feel free to point out why we should provide something so great for even less. Or just suck my dick, not sure which.

PS: the Machine Head references are on purpose.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 07:51:07 pm by TheWormKill »
Stuff I did: How to think like a superuser, Iridium

He should make that "Haskell"
<m0rph-is-gay> fuck you thewormkill you python coding mother fucker

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2015, 07:41:09 pm »
I ain't hating, just disappointed. I didn't know discussing stuff with someones would count as a post. Gonna try that. But my point is, it's ebooks fellas, why would anyone need to get involved in stuff he doesn't want to to read a damn book?
Well, in the parallel world of the internet, you might consider delayed income, or even free stuff as free beer not as su*k my di*k to get a beer for free. I bet you didn't work a bit to get ahold of phrack articles or whatever teaching materials you began with ..

Ok so posting my miserable thoughts on topics I have nothing to add to is called community involvement. Go on community, get involved ..
Everything should be subject to question.

But you must understand that this is a well considered change to help to community as a whole.
You see our core member base is relatively small , the leech vs seed ratio is just off the scale.
Giving others a little extra motivation to get involved makes them get involved and greatly increase the chance of becoming a community member.

Then there is this gem :

* * *
At EvilZone, new accounts are created daily, however it is much more rare to welcome a new member in to the community.

A community is a living organism, and just like any other living thing it can grow, evolve, adapt, reproduce or even die. An account is just an entry in the database. It can be used as a tool through which a member can act in the community, or it can just exist and be forgoten eventually turning into a dead cell of the organism. A member is a part of a community: like a cell, a tissue, or even an organ to an animal. Without cells or organs an animal can not be alive. In the same way, without  members a community is not alive - without members it is just a mix of code, text and graphics.

Do not become a dead cell - an account without any personality, actions or any signs of life. Be a member. A member that contributes to the rest of the organism. A member that is healthy, active, and beneficial in relation to the community. This will lead to growth and positive evolution.
* * *

There are many ways in which anyone can contribute. Anyone, including you.

Have you learned or discovered something interesting? Tell the community about it. Do you have a question about something specific? Ask and hence provide an oportunity for others to share their knowledge with you and other members of the community who will read the thread you have started. Found a good eBook online or somewhere deep in your hard drive? Share it. Someone else might find it usefull. Noticed an area of the community that could be improved or evolved into a new dimention? Give the feedback. Did you just come up with an insane idea for a project but need others to help you materialize it? Just say so. Do you enjoy crafting countless lines of code? Write a usefull piece of code for everyone to use or learn from.

As you can see it is very easy to come up with random examples of ways in which you can contribute and be an active member. It should be obvious and self explanitory.

I encourage you to come out of the spectators' area and enter in to the ring of participators. However, never forget that quality is more important than quantity. In an organism, some cells might be corrupt (virus infected cells). They will multiply and cause harm to the organism, and unless healed or removed from the organism, they will make it sick or might even kill it. Do everything you can to not become a corrupt cell.
* * *

edit: Damn I was outposted :P

Edit2: can we like have that shit somewhere on the main page.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 07:42:48 pm by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2015, 08:00:15 pm »
Seems like people who contribute to the forum are down with the changes and people who haven't even created an into are coming out of the woodwork to complain.

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Re: Board restrictions to new members
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2015, 08:07:48 pm »
Lol those who never post do now  lol.
This is exactly what we need [emoji14]
It seems to work, already [emoji2]   Spotted one member who has been registered since last year but had only one post where he requested ebook. But today he has made 7 new posts, I wonder why the sudden enthusiasm.[emoji14] 

Definetly great renovation imo.