It all comes down to faith. I'll try and explain, and if my ramblings offend anyone, then I do apologize in advance. I'm not going to try and convert you.
It's not that things are not explainable, but could not those things have come to be or influenced by God?
The universe is what it is. No one can really explain how it came to be. Best we have is theories, some of which are completely plausible. Again, could that initial spark have come from God? Didn't something set it in motion?
Education may be part of it, but there are many who are educated as children in (insert religion here) that do not follow that particular faith, if any. I honestly do not think it does anything to add or detract memberships in various faiths.
I'm a believer, but do not fear death. Think about it - WHY would I, if I believe there is life after death? That doesn't mean I do reckless things or take unnecessary chances. I don't want to die anytime soon, but I don't fear it.
Miracles. People call them different things, but in my mind my disabled four year old is living proof that such things exist. He has numerous medical issues and currently recovering from his forth major surgery in as many years. You may call it something else, but that's what it's been for me that he is still here with a good prognosis - a miracle.
Nutshell version: You are trying to fit matters of faith into very rigid boxes to which only parts may apply. So it's some of what you list, and none of what you list.