Hey guys. You may have seen an earlier post by me, where I was asking for help on my new website idea. Well, if anyone would like to join, you still may. Right now, our team is me, Zesh, and Gr33n.
Anyway, the first part of our plan was to create separate themes/logos for the website independently, then share and choose. This is my contribution to that area of the project. We thought it may be helpful to post on Evilzone first, because we would like some feed back. Zesh should be making a similar post soon enough...
Ok, so, I am not much of an artist, and know nothing of GIMP or web design, but I still gave it a shot. The proposed template is by me, but the logo was my idea drawn by a good friend.
The final logo drawing will most likely look like phoenix 2A. This is just a rough draft.
Feedback so far: Two circles below phoenix don't look like the infinity symbol, and they are too small. Phoenix 3's wings are too rounded.